Mandatory Athlete Protection Training
May 31, 2019
By SCmasters01
South Carolina Masters Swimming
USMS Adult Swim Program
Promoting fitness and health in adults for beginners, fitness swimmers, triathletes and competitive swimmers!
Whether you want to improve your overall fitness, swim just for fun, develop better technique, or train for triathlons, open water swims, or pool swimming competitions, USMS membership provides the information, resources, and tools to be successful. USMS membership grants you access to information to take your swimming ability and technique to the next level, discounts from our partners, a subscription to SWIMMER magazine, the STREAMLINES eNewsletter, inclusion in the USMS national times database, discounts from USMS partners, insurance coverage, and access to the members-only features on
Are you interested in volunteering your time and talents with your club, Local Masters Swimming Committee, or even at the national level? U.S. Masters Swimming provides leadership tools to our local and national volunteers to enrich their volunteer experience and enable them to give back to the sport they love. Volunteers are our organization’s greatest ambassadors, educating our members and the community-at-large about the benefits of swimming.
U.S. Masters Swimming is now certifying swimming officials to work USMS sanctioned meets. Officials certification is open to anyone 18 years of age or older. USMS certification is not currently required for currently certified USA Swimming, NCAA, NFHS (high school), or YMCA officials to work USMS meets.
May 31, 2019
By SCmasters01
May 8, 2019
By SCmasters01
Try Masters Swimming for Free in South Carolina from June 1-10
October 18, 2018
By SCmasters01
Sixteen Sun City Swimmers traveled to Orlando Florida to participate in the Rowdy Gaines Masters Classic Swim Meet.
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