
Officials & Volunteer Opportunities:

Are you interested in volunteering your time and talents with your club, Local Masters Swimming Committee, or even at the national level? U.S. Masters Swimming provides leadership tools to our local and national volunteers to enrich their volunteer experience and enable them to give back to the sport they love. Volunteers are our organization’s greatest ambassadors, educating our members and the community-at-large about the benefits of swimming.

U.S. Masters Swimming is now certifying swimming officials to work USMS sanctioned meets. Officials certification is open to anyone 18 years of age or older. USMS certification is not currently required for currently certified USA Swimming, NCAA, NFHS (high school), or YMCA officials to work USMS meets.


USMS Officials Certifications:

Stroke & Turn Official
  1. On the USA Swimming site review all six, freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, individual medley, and relays, officiating training videos
  2. Take and pass (with 80% correct) the  “Certification – Stroke & Turn/Timer”online test
  3. Your results will be emailed to you by USA Swimming. Once you receive them, forward them to Your credentials will be emailed to you by the USMS Officials committee upon receipt of your test results.
  4. Certification expires on December 31st of the second year of certification.

Note: Some LMSCs may recommend or require additional steps in the training of their officials. You may wish to contact your LMSC Officials Chair for further information.

  1. Previously be certified by USMS as a Stroke & Turn Official. There is no minimum length of time as a certified Stroke &Turn Official required before an individual can become a starter.
  2. Review “The Start: Philosophy and Protocol” training video.
  3. Take and pass (with 80% correct) the “Certification – Starter” and “Recertification Stroke & Turn/Timer” online tests
  4. Your results will be emailed to you by USA Swimming. Once you receive them, forward them to Your credentials will be emailed to you by the USMS Officials committee upon receipt of your test results.
  5. Certification expires on December 31st of the second year of certification.

Note: Certification as a Starter automatically renews your certification as a Stroke & Turn Official.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Are you interested in volunteering your time and talents with your club, Local Masters Swimming Committee, or even at the national level? U.S. Masters Swimming provides leadership tools to our local and national volunteers to enrich their volunteer experience and enable them to give back to the sport they love. Volunteers are our organization’s greatest ambassadors, educating our members and the community-at-large about the benefits of swimming. They help to provide the opportunities for adults to pursue fitness, fun, and competition.

To get involved, please contact your LMSC Chair.